terça-feira, 19 de junho de 2012

Pergunta do dia.

Oie, gente. :) Hoje estou com uma postagem diferente. Estava cascaviando esse mundo virtual (Huahua :P) e vi algo que realmente eu achei muito bonito falado pela Erin Sanders, ai vai:

"The way I find meaning in life is by giving and receiving love. Life isn't about the destination, is appreciate things that occur to you along the way. If you try to see the qualities that you have nobody else have, surround ourselves with positive people, that will fill us with good energy, and not people that will try to put us down or make you feel like you have to be a better version of yourself to impress that roommate that you want, but you're not just the way you are."

[Creditos: lifemeanswhat]

Lindo, ne? E pra voces, qual o significado da vida? :)
Quem quiser achar a Erin eh so ir no @ErinZariah, certeza que voces nao vao se arrepender, ela eh uma fofa e os tweets dela sao super bacanas!

Beijinhos a todos e uma otima noite.

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